Afterlife 1.7.3


3 Vote(s)
  • Category:


  • Works under:

    Windows 98 SE

  • Program available in:In English

Afterlife is reminiscent of a lot of old-school video games, so if you still have a soft spot for sidescrollers, you'll enjoy this game. The storyline and gameplay is simple: kill all the bad guys in hell with your hot air balloon. The premise may sound silly, but that's really not an anomaly in the world of video games.

Each level in Afterlife is relatively short, so you can quickly make your way through the game. It is also very addicting, so you will find yourself saying "One more level!" over and over. As I mentioned before, the graphics and gameplay take a page out of the book of old console games, so nostalgia comes into play here. I personally grew up playing games like this on my NES and PC, so it was exciting to see that old idea reinvented for today's era.

From what I've read online and heard from friends who have also played the game, the enjoyability of Afterlife is pretty universal. If you love fun, simple games that pay homage to so many other classic games, Afterlife is worth checking out.

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