Better DS3

Better DS3

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  • Works under:

    Windows 8.1

  • Program available in:In English

Many people love computer games, but they want to use a controller instead of a keyboard. The Xbox 360 controller is easy to use because it will instantly connect to the computer, but PS3 controllers can be troublesome since you need certain drivers and programs to make the controller work with the computer. While there are various tools available, the Better DS3 tool is considered the best due to its various features.

The Better DS3 tool was initially made to add a battery level indicator, which is available. You can easily see how much battery power is left in the controller. The developer also added a simple interface that allows players to customize the button mapping so that they can make the controller feel natural.

Not only that, but the interface was made for people who aren’t computer experts. The other tools and interfaces required players to have advanced programming knowledge to map buttons, add profiles or do other simple tasks. The Better DS3 tool allows you to do all of these common tasks with mouse clicks.

The other bonus is the added protection. As he was creating this program, the developer noticed that the coding within the PS3 controller offered very little protection. It didn’t include SSL protection, and the inherent protection was outdated and easy to work around. While it would be unlikely for a hacker to target the controller, it would be very easy due to the lack of security. Better DS3 adds a few levels of protection to keep hackers out of your computer.

One problem with Better DS3 is that you need the MotioninJoy driver installed. This is because Better DS3 was made as an expansion to the MotioninJoy driver. This is just a small problem, and it’s easy to download and use this driver. Any players who wants to use a PS3 controller with their computer will find that this is the best program for the job.

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