Eldervale is a Third-Person Survival Horror Adventure game, made in the style of early 2000's classics
Dead Event is a indie RPG survival game in which the player grows up as a creature
An exotic love story set in the land of hot sand
Don't make these monsters angry!
《真愿朦幻馆~在时间暂停的洋馆里追寻明天的羔羊们~》是由日本美少女游戏知名品牌Lump of Sugar(方糖社)于2022年6月24日发售的最新力作。本作由由人气画师萌木原文武担当原画与人物设计,由知名剧本家中岛大河创作剧本。片头主题歌《静寂之门》由新锐创作型歌手逢濑晶创作并献唱。
A hardcore 2D action platformer developed by one person
Go on an adventure as a small, one-eyed square, and traverse caves full of puzzles, riddles, and brainteasers!
Get ready to investigate a mysterious murder of mythological proportions!
Tracery of Fate is a dark fantasy cooperative/solo VR game in magic post-apocalyptic world
Latona Research Station has been destroyed by unknown assailants