Sam & Max is an extremely popular video game based on the comic books, which were created by Steve Purcell. The Sam & Max video games are available on all major video game systems, which include playstation 3,...
Shutter Island is a point and click adventure game that follows the same plot as the movie of the same name. US Marshall Teddy Daniels and his partner come to the mental facility on the island to investigate a missing...
In "Bomb John," a free downloadable game available via numerous web sites, monsters from another dimension invade the world. The evil monsters plant a series of bombs and mines on each level in an attempt to...
Dora The Explorer’s favorite cousin Diego is going on a dinosaur hunt and he wants your kids to join him! Diego’s Dinosaur Adventure is a wonderful kid’s game that’s fun and educational. In this...
"Pirates of New Horizons" is a colorful adventure game from Exit Strategy Entertainment for the PC, the Mac, the Xbox360, and the PlayStation 3. Players control Annha, a space pirate searching the outer reaches...
The Mystery of the Dragon Prince invites players to embark on a nostalgic journey. Players assume the role of Anna, a typical girl leading an abysmal life in her home town. One day she receives a strange letter from the...
Devil's Tuning Fork is most assuredly a unique game. It is a game created by students from DePaul University for the 2010 Indie Games Fest. You play as a child who wakes up in an alternate reality and must navigate...
Remember those fairy tales that you loved when you were a child? Now you, or your children, can enjoy playing characters from those very same games thanks to Fairy Tales: Three Heroes. This PC game is a bit different,...
Every day, millions of people eat chicken. But none of us (except for vegetarians) ever feel any sort of remorse for killing and eating all these chickens. Paula the hen wants to put a stop to that. In Revenge of the...
5 Days a Stranger is an adventure game where you take the role of Trilby. Trilby breaks into a house that is supposed to be empty, but of course things are never that easy. He finds a group of strangers and together they...