If you've ever wanted to romantically pursue a phone, then hot DARN, do I have just the game for you
The last Practice Sectis is a ink style tower defense game
You have just graduated school and have landed your first job as a butler for the luxury apartments "Sakura Gardens."
A mysterious package has arrived, and the little monster inside has only one request… CANDY!
A mysterious package has arrived, and the little monster inside has only one request… CANDY!
A mysterious package has arrived, and the little monster inside has only one request… CANDY!
A mysterious package has arrived, and the little monster inside has only one request… CANDY!
A mysterious package has arrived, and the little monster inside has only one request… CANDY!
A mysterious package has arrived, and the little monster inside has only one request… CANDY!
A first person social deduction game, combining real time action and communication, 3 to 8 players