Unleash terror on your Victims with these new gut-wrenching executions for the Slaughter Family!
A fully voice acted story about a group of friends who experience visions of their future - and the anxieties they endure as they try to walk their own path in a predestined life
Card game mechanics - check;
Charge your oversized flashlights and steel your nerves for "Pier of the Unknown", a new DLC for Cassette Beasts!
Nuclear Reactor Simulator, operable by a single person with the help of an AI Assistant
The first work of an independent small team, many deficiencies, please do not hesitate to correct!
The Forest Quartet is a puzzle adventure about a gone, but not forgotten, lead singer
Wastelands, grim folks behind garages, a nightclub, and a huge gray sky — a lost world for a lost generation
Your step mom got stuck in the washing machine!
In diesem Rogue-Lite-Abenteuer befreist du die Akademie Greifenstein von magischen Kreaturen, indem du deine Zauber kreativ einsetzt