Connect Four Cities

Connect Four Cities

4 Vote(s)
  • Category:

    Other Games

  • Works under:

    Mac OS X

  • Program available in:In English

Connect Four Cities is a PC game inspired by Connect Four, the classic board game. Connect Four is a two-player game using an upright structure. Players drop discs into the 6x7 structure in an attempt to get four discs in a row. The player must do this while also blocking the attempts of his or her opponent. Connect Four Cities takes the basic Connect Four concept and expands on it.

With Connect Four Cities, players compete against each other by trying to build the bigger and better city. Buildings and other aspects are added and upgraded via rounds of Connect Four. The winner of the round gets the bonus, and the loser gets nothing or a smaller bonus. The neat thing about Connect Four Cities is that it puts multiple Connect Four games into a rewarding framework. In addition, it upgrades the basic Connect Four concept in a way that is appealing to modern children.

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