Determinance Demo


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  • Works under:

    Windows XP

  • Program available in:In English

In "Determinance," a third-person sword-fighting action game for the PC, players engage in deadly aerial duels, defying gravity to clash steel blades while soaring through the heavens like superheroes. Moving the mouse controls the character's sword, slicing in any and all directions. Holding down the mouse button and then moving the mouse maneuvers the sword into defensive position, with the precise angle of the blade determining the block's success or failure. Players may also execute power moves and special killing strokes to finish off wounded opponents.

Aside from fighting computer-controlled foes, players can compete in four distinct multiplayer modes: free-for-all, timed duel, hunting, and team. Multiplayer action can be furious, with up to eight other players racing through the skies in a hack and slash frenzy. Each player can also customize his or her character, designing swords and developing unique moves and fighting styles to separate from the competition.

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