Dora's Carnival Adventure

Dora's Carnival Adventure

43 Vote(s)
  • Category:


  • Works under:

    Windows 98 SE

  • Program available in:In English

Dora's Carnival Adventure is a budget kids game with a lot of mini games for your children to enjoy playing with their favorite characters from Dora The Explorer.

In the game, Dora goes to explore a carnival. She finds 10 games to play with her friends. You help her play and win the games, and earn tickets based on your performance. You can trade these tickets in for prizes. When you win, a picture is taken of Dora and you can print this out for your children to color. The games include bumper cars, hot air balloon racing, bowling, and more.

The graphics are cartoony, and a fair match of the kids tv show. The sound effects and voices seem to be taken right from the show. Each game is only a basic carnival or fair style game, but all together is a decent collection that could keep children's attention for quite a while, especially if they are fans of the show. Could be a cheap way to keep your kids busy for a while.

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