DRAG introduces next generation 4CPT vehicle physics (4-way contact point traction technology) and a damage model that allows for competitive multiplayer wheel-to-wheel racing in a rallycross fashion

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  • Category(ies):

    Early Access , Racing , Simulation , Sports

  • Type:


  • Works under:



  • Developer(s):

    Orontes Games

  • Publishers(s):

    Orontes Games

  • Release Date:

    Aug 11, 2020

  • Required Age:


  • Price:

    29.99 USD

  • Tags:

    Single-player, Multi-player, PvP, Online Multi-Player, Local Multi-Player, Shared/Split Screen, Cross-Platform Multiplayer, Steam Achievements, Full controller support, Steam Cloud, Stats, Steam Leaderboards

  • Languages:

    English, French, German, Spanish - Spain, Dutch, Polish

DRAG introduces a new kind of vehicle-physics. Have you ever noticed how cars in many racing games pivot around their center? With our 4CPT-technology and soft-body tire model we simulate every component of the vehicles in real time, down to the grab-mass of the tire profile. Resulting in realistic, dynamic behavior. Driving fast on loose surface without driving aids is exciting, challenging and ultimately hard to master. The driving feel is pure.DRAG combines arcade style racing with vibrant driving mechanics.Even though DRAG is not a simple arcade racer, it's designed to be played with a gamepad or keyboard. Support for racing wheels will be added in Early Access.24 Singleplayer challengesMultiplayer wheel-to-wheel racing in online or split screen matchesHow does it work?You can follow faster players by utilizing slipstream, hence the name of the game 'DRAG'.If you follow your opponents closely you will also gain boost which is at your disposal for overtaking, but should be used carefully and strategically. However if you get too close and ram another vehicle your car will take permanent damage.Also there's no respawn in online matches, we call it the out-is-out principle, so if you like to push your opponents off track you better be strategical about that as well. You might end up with a wheel or two missing - which by the way shouldn't keep you from battling on. Three wheels is plenty ;)We don't believe in stupid time penalties. Play as dirty as you like, brake check if someone is following in your slipstream. But be prepared to end up in a tree upside down if things go wrong.To stay out of trouble or In case you can't pass someone without risk of damage, use the jokerlap. That's a longer route which everyone has to take at least once a race. If you have not taken the joker until the final lap the regular path will be blocked for you.The jokerlap is another strategic element you can use to your advantage. If you are leading the race but you don't want to give others slipstream you can take the joker but you might end up between other cars. So it's good to know how much time the joker will cost you on each map. There are live gap-times displayed for all drivers so you can judge when it's best to take the joker.DRAG combines action packed racing with deep and challenging driving dynamics.Get involved in the development process and join our Discord:https://discord.gg/hUDxpnN

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