Everlong BattleShips 1.0

Everlong BattleShips

2 Vote(s)
  • Category:

    Other Games

  • Works under:

    Windows 98

  • Program available in:In English

Everlong Battleships is a PC game implementation of Battleship, the classic guessing game by Milton Bradley. In 1931, it was a pen-and-paper game called Broadsides. In 1967, it became Battleship, the game we know today, which is also sometimes called Sea Battle and Battleships. The game is a two-player game where the player secretly positions ships on a grid, and then take turns firing at their opponents. Since the ships can’t move, guesses evolve based on past hits and misses.

Everlong Battleships is a comprehensive version of the game, and it even includes support for the most common house rules. The game supports single player and multiplayer, locally, online and via LAN. Unfortunately, the game does not have a built-in matchmaking service. In terms of graphics and sound effects, Everlong Battleships is not very advanced. However, for Battleship fans who want a free way to play the game online, it is an excellent option.

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