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Windows 7
Gamehitzone Inc.
Racing games often take one of two paths: interactive and exploratory, or arcade-like and addicting. Extreme Motorbikers falls under the latter label. With more focus on the complexity of the various tracks than the design of the bikes, Extreme Motorbikers offers players a well-rounded and fun racing experience. Published in late 2012 by arcade game publisher “Game Hit Zone,” Extreme Motobikers is one of the more recent titles in a long list of successful releases.
Extreme Motorbikers is sectioned off into three seasonal stages. The first stage is the Summer Cup, followed by winter and fall stages, respectively. While the bikes are rather basic, the focus of the game’s development team is geared more toward player progression, and track complexity. There are many obstacles that have been designed and strategically placed throughout the various tracks and the tracks progress from a low level of difficulty to tracks that are rather complex.
The races are not designed to be clean by any means. The AI controlled opponents will get physical whenever the opportunity arises. There are short-cuts strategically placed that are provided to assist user controller racers in navigating the winding tracks. Other dangers to avoid are barrels that are designed to both explode and kill, or to knock racers off of the tracks.
The controls are rather basic, with direction and speed control being the main focal point here, and while there are kicks to perform when crossing the finish line, this feature is barely worth mentioning. What is worth mentioning is the detailed backgrounds that accompany the various tracks that make up the three circuits. Vivid detail and animated skylines show the level of expertise used in the design process, and add an extra layer of attraction to the game.
The game may take a little time to get used to, but it is worth it for the intermediate arcade gamer.