Feeding Frenzy 2 2

Feeding Frenzy 2

497 Vote(s)
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  • Works under:

    Windows 98

  • Program available in:In English

An arcade style game, Feeding Frenzy offers a unique underwater game playing experience. There are 40 levels in this game which features the player as a marine predator. The players goal is to eat any and all fish it encounters. There are a variety of colored fish ranging from yellow, red, white, purple and green. The more fish the player consumes, the larger it gets which increases its capability to hunt down and consume even larger fish towards the end of the level.

During the levels, the game features a variety of five fish for the player to alternate between such as Andy the Angel fish, Leon the Lion fish, Eddie the Angler fish, J.D. the John Dory fish and Orville the Orca. Orville will have a face-off with the Shark King to successfully win the game.

Although a casual game for the player, it does have some traps and hazards that are set up such as jellyfish, naval mines, other predators and more to make it that much more exciting and challenging.

Additional features in this game include the Feeding Frenzy modes. The first Feeding Frenzy mode is achieved by continuously eating many fish as possible in a short period. If this mode is kept up continuing to rapidly eat fish, it will go into Double Frenzy. These modes will stop once the player loses the rapid speed of eating the fish.

As well as the normal mode that can be played by either beginner or pro, this game also features a Time Attack Mode to give it a more challenging edge.

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