Windows 2000
When it was originally released, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter was considered a groundbreaking game. Of course, it furthered the squad-based and tactical game play the series was and is famous for more than anything else. The title provided players with a solid story that spanned a fairly long campaign involving terrorists across the border in Mexico. Multiplayer was a huge draw for this game too. At the time, the Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six series provided what many considered the best multiplayer experiences online.
Some key features of the game included a great combat system. Also, commanding the team seemed fluid and lacked any major issues. The graphics looked advanced upon release and would still be considered acceptable these days. Both campaign and multiplayer modes were more than challenging too. Luckily, no major flaws could be found from Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, which kept the Ghost Recon series at the top of the list with third person shooters and especially tactical games in general. Basically, this title could be considered an all around masterpiece.