Jetpack Joyride 1.03.68

Jetpack Joyride

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  • Category:


  • Works under:

    Windows 8.1

  • Program available in:In English

If you are looking for a fun and exciting game that can be played, Jetpack Joyride could be a great option. The premise behind Jetpack Joyride is that you are in control of a hero that is looking to prevent experimental jetpacks from getting into the wrong hands of evil scientists.

At the beginning of the game, your character will break into the science lab to steal the experimental jetpacks. Once you have stolen the jetpack, the fun of the game begins. The game uses very simple controls, which allow you to take off, fly through the air, and land. During the game, you will have to fire at the evil scientists, dodge bullets and lasers that are flying to you, and try to take control of additional jetpacks along the way.

When the game starts, you will start with the simple Machine Gun Jetpack. However, as the game moves along, you will be able to collect points and coins, which can later be redeemed to enhance the jetpack and ultimately purchase other forms of the jetpack. There are also a wide range of other features, which can help to improve the strength, speed, and agility of your player. Each of these additional perks can also be acquired through the use of coins and points collected during your journey.

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