"Judith" isn't so much of a game as it is an interactive story; one in which I found myself both confused about the plot and bored. In the game, you control two characters: Judith and Jeff. Your main objectives with both characters differ slightly. Judith wants to find out her husbands secrets, while Jeff wants to find his lover. However, the gameplay between both characters is pretty much the same: move around with the arrow keys, read text, and interact with objects using the space bar. The entirety of the game is spent walking around in a mostly confined area and responding to text prompts. Everything is perfectly linear. There's no way to lose, or to even do anything wrong, which makes playing seem more like a tedious chore than an actual game.
The graphics are very Minecraft and Doom like, but they seem too cartoonish for what's supposed to be a darker game. However, Judith's husband did genuinely creep me out, so kudos for that. As for the sound, or what little sound the game has, it fit the mood nicely. There were no problems that I could find. Despite that, I cannot recommend this game in its current state.