NOKs 2.0


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  • Category:


  • Works under:

    Windows 98

  • Program available in:In English

Noks is a game where you collect and battle 3d characters called Noks in a small battleground area against opponents.

This game plays like a mix of pokemon and battletanks. You can move your Noks around and shoot, and you try to blast your opponents Noks while avoiding losing your own. Defeating Noks lets you collect them, so you have a good reason to do well so you can grow your collection. Each Nok is different and over the course of many battles you will collect a lot of different ones, each with their own style, and of course, strengths and weaknesses. Besides battling, there is an encyclopedia of the Noks you've seen so you can examine them and see their capabilities to better plan your next move.

The graphics are budget level, but they go for a cartoony look that serves them well and is more than serviceable. The same goes for the sound, it is relatively basic but not terrible overall.

This game came out in 2006, so it is not going to be able to compete with the newest releases. However, it is a decent blast 'em and collect 'em game at a budget price, so you could do much worse.

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