Pokémon: Generations

Pokémon: Generations

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    Windows 8

  • Program available in:In English

Pokémon: Generations is an unofficial role-playing game in the Pokémon world, and it was inspired by the existing video games in which players collect and train different creatures from around the world.

When Pokémon was first introduced to the world many years ago in the form of the first video game for the Gameboy, everyone went completely crazy for the tiny little monsters that could be trained to become incredible fighting forces. The first version of the game was a simple 2D black and white platform, but it was more than enough to get an entire generation of youngsters hooked on the game.

Pokémon: Generations is an extension of the Pokémon series that attempts to translate that original 2D environment into a full 3D world. There were a few early attempts at something similar when the Nintendo 64 was first introduced, such as Pokémon Stadium, but those games lacked the RPG style that so many loved about the handheld versions.

Unfortunately, there is still no official full 3D version of any Pokémon game, but Pokémon: Generations is as close as players can currently find. The game includes both multiplayer and single player modes, so players can actually go head-to-head with their Pokémon. The modeling of the Pokémon, and the graphics in general, are quite clean considering the game was never fully completed.

Since this is an unofficial Pokémon game, it lacks some of the intuitive nature of the official series. There are no tutorials, and the combat system is a bit different from the turn-based system seen in the standard games.


  • Excellent 3D Character Modeling
  • Includes Multiplayer & Solo Modes
  • Realistic 3D RPG


  • Incomplete Game
  • No Tutorial
  • Combat Requires Continuous Clicking
  • Novelty Game

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