The Company, which identifying data is presented in the last section of this document, informs all users of this web site about the following terms of use.
1. Description of the service
Through this web site, Innova Group (referred as the Company from now on) offers a consistent service in, between others, the following added value presentations for downloading third party programs:
Daily revision of download availability and facilitation.
Antivirus analysis for all programs against known threats at the time of downloading.
Download of toolbars interesting for the users.
User support.
The third party programs listed on this web site are shareware, freeware versions or demos freely and publicly divulged by their authors and downloads are made always from the author´s web site. The hiring of the service offered by the Company on this web site does not represent, at any case, a payment for the acquisition, use or license of the downloaded program.
2. Responsibility
Likewise, the Company performs daily controls for the absence of known viruses in all the programs listed on this web site. However, according to technique´s status, these controls can not guarantee the absolute absence of viruses.
The Company does not provide any guarantee and neither makes itself responsible for the third party programs the user may download, including toolbars, which also have been developed by third party software. It will correspond to the users to previously decide about the suitability of the program or toolbar they wish to download and install, as well as their conformity with the corresponding terms of license for each of the programs.
3. Privacy Policy
This clause contains the Privacy policy that normalizes important matters related to the privacy of all userson this web site.
3.1. Data Collection
The Company will collect and process data introduced by any user through the available forms on this web site or communicated to the Company through any other via, as well as other data that the Company may automatically capture in relation to the following technical features of the user´s computer: operating system version, web browser version, type of CPU, type of internet connection, operating system language, IP address, cookies activation, Java activation and screen resolution. From now on, all this information will be denominated as “Data”.
Data will be user´s personal, exactly as this concept is defined in the current Italian Legislation, and when provided through the forms or automatically captured while navigating around this web site, the user will be expressing consent for its collection, integration to a file and processing by the Company according to the current Privacy Policy.
The user expresses and guarantees that will not provide personal data referred to thirds to the Company , even with their consent and will assume in front of the Company any responsibility that meant behaviour may cause.
3.2 Processing purpose
The Company will process data aiming to administrate the correct maintenance, development and control of this web site and all services it offers, particularly to provide a response to the incidences that the users may communicate in relation to the services offered on this web site.
Also, if users authorize it, the Company will be able to use collected Data to send them commercial communications, even via e-mail, to promote wells and services provided by the Company or other thirds. Authorizations provided by the users can be revoked by them at any time.
The user specifically authorizes that for any of purposes expressed above the Company could personally or through staff in charge of the Data processing, process Data out of the European Union , even though those countries´ legislations do not provide a personal data protection level comparable to the Italian Legislation´s level.
Data will not be used for purposes different than the ones expressed on this Privacy Policy, neither will be provided to thirds without the users´ consent.
3.3 Use of cookies
This web site uses cookies to enable the Company to provide a better service to the users. All users can configure their web browser and enable them to notify about the reception of cookies, giving the users the opportunity to decide whether they accept them or not.
3.4 Access, rectification, cancelation and opposition rights
All users can apply the access, rectification, cancelation and opposition rights recognized by the Italian Legislation about personal data protection related to the Data. To make it possible, the users can get in touch with the Company by sending a message through customer service established by the Company at the moment.
3.5 Other web sites
This Privacy Policy is to be applied only on this web site. The Company does not guarantee neither makes itself responsible for the Privacy policies that can be applied in web pages linked from this web site, or for the data processing performed by their staff in charge.
4. General
The Company can review and modify the terms of service at any time, updating the current page. The conditions applied to the service hired by the users will be published at the moment of the hiring.
These conditions are governed by the Italian Legislation. The users will not be able to desist of the already made hiring, every time the service immediately provided after its hiring with the user´s consent.
The hiring will be formalized in the language selected by the user from the languages available on the web site. Samples of the current terms of service may exist in several languages.The users can make their requests through the support forms.
This web site´s contents are protected by the intellectual rights of property or industrial from the Company and/or thirds. At any case, the users will not suppress, modify, avoid or manipulate a protection device or security system installed on this web site.
5. Instructions to install / uninstall the software contained on this site:
Each software in this site can be installed and uninstalled this way:
Installed software can be uninstalled this way on Windows operating system:
Start > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall or Change Programs> Locate the program and click Uninstall.
6. Company’s identifying and contact data
In case the users wish to send any complain or question or the users want to see the Company's detailed identifying information, they can get in touch with the Company through the support form available on the web site.