Project Blackout

Project Blackout

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  • Category:


  • Works under:

    Windows / Windows Vista

  • Program available in:In English

An online first-person tactical shooter, "Project Blackout" takes place in the fictional country of Korogese. After a long period of financial prosperity, the Korogese government gradually gives way to powerful corporations intent on disarming the populace and instituting a supposed peaceful police state. Players may control either a group of rebels determined to fight the corporate oppression, or they may choose to play as corporate soldiers sworn to protect their masters' utopian ideal. 

Each round of gameplay begins with teams choosing from a vast arsenal of weapons and then spawning on opposite ends of a map. Players accumulate points for completing specific mission objectives and for killing enemy soldiers, earning bonus points for accomplishing head shots, double kills, and other difficult feats. The game comes equipped with four basic character models, two for each side of the conflict. Players can also purchase four additional character models for greater variety.  

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