Rising Eagle: Futuristic Infantry Warfare 1.2.2

Rising Eagle: Futuristic Infantry Warfare

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  • Category:


  • Works under:

    Windows Vista / Windows XP

  • Program available in:In English

Rising Eagle: Futuristic Infantry Warfare is an online only first person shooter. Since the game is multiplayer only, this means there is no campaign, but also there is no co-op or bots. The game is another modern day shooter, with a squad system for players to slot into, which helps keep things organized and even out the weapon selections. There's also classes, which range from the rifleman, the medic, the sniper, to the "armored battle engineer". Each class has their own loadout and abilities, some of which are more powerful than other (I'll let you guess which ones.) There's a few minor bugs in the game, mostly effecting the weapons, but nothing too bad. The graphics and sound are average, doing their job but nothing that stands out. If you are looking for a multiplayer shooter with a few new ideas this could be worth a try.

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