Windows 8
SCP Containment Breach
SCP 087-B is something of an oddball in the world of gaming. It doesn't fit into any of the usual genres - one might argue it's survival horror but, with no way to survive or win, that's not quite true - and it's based on an existing canon without actually being based on it. For those of you who aren't followers of The Foundation, SCP stands for Secure, Contain, and Protect. It's an online collection of fictional supernatural items and the group - known only as The Foundation - that secures and studies them. The game is based loosely off of SCP 087, an unending set of stairs that gets creepier as you go farther down, except with some major changes.
In the game, you're in an unending hallway filled with stairs that can take you to deeper levels. As you go down, you'll start to notice paranormal activity becoming increasingly common. The game is procedurally generated, so each trip is going to be different from the last but some things remain constant. The hallway you travel is full of turns that lead you to instant death holes so you'll need to watch your step. Beyond that, your goal is simply to survive as long as you can manage to and see how deep you can get.
The game's visuals and controls are extremely simple, which makes sense considering the simplicity of the game itself. Despite this simplicity - or perhaps because of it - the game will run on pretty much any computer you want to install it on. There are two problems that should be addressed, though. On some systems and settings the motion blur from turning and moving can get to the point of extreme annoyance. This isn't an enormous problem but it can get rather annoying. The other problem, much less annoying, is the lack of a pause button or any other function to stop the game while you go get a drink. Again, not a huge problem but it means you're in for the long haul when you start. Overall, SCP 087 is a good entry in the world of The Foundation, albeit with a few nagging issues, and it's worth the time to check out if you're a fan of being spooked.