

20 Vote(s)
  • Category:

    Other Games

  • Works under:

    Windows Vista

  • Program available in:In English

Everyone's played Scrabble. It's the classic word-spelling game where you compete to put the biggest and most complex words on the board before your opponents, and get rid of all your letter tiles before they cost you the game. Scrabble3D takes that classic game and turns it on its head with the addition of a third dimension!

Now you don't just spell out words horizontally and vertically, you stack the letters up as well! Words interconnect and attach like girders in a building's infrastructure for a truly unique and exciting game. Not only will you learn some great new words (be sure to challenge those that you're sure do not exist), but you'll give those brain cells a workout figuring out where to lay your own words in three-dimensional space.

A great game for Scrabble veterans and beginners alike, Scrabble3D is the computerized classic with a splendid new twist!

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