Summer Islands

Summer Islands

Summer Islands is a holiday real-time strategy business simulator

Download $ 10.94

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  • Category(ies):

    Casual , Early Access , Indie , Simulation , Strategy

  • Type:


  • Works under:



  • Developer(s):


  • Publishers(s):


  • Release Date:

    Jun 21, 2019

  • Required Age:


  • Price:

    10.94 USD

  • Tags:

    Single-player, Multi-player, PvP, Online Multi-Player, LAN PvP, Co-op, Online Co-op, LAN Co-op, Steam Achievements, Full controller support, Steam Workshop, Steam Cloud, Includes level editor, Family Sharing

  • Languages:

    German, English, Spanish - Spain

Summer Islands is a holiday real time strategy business simulator. Be the right businessman, build your holiday paradise and grab the money from your tourists. Get rich and expand your paradise. Play alone, with your friends and against enemies and survive natural disasters without going insolvent.Find your islandCreate almost infinite numbers of maps with different seeds. One island, several or the Summer Islands mode. From small 100x100 maps up to 2000x2000 maps. From high mountains or just sand islands. Everybody finds his small island in the wide ocean or in the big archipelagos.Build your paradiseBuild cabins, villas or expensive hotels directly on the beach or in the mountains. When a building is finished, tourists can come by boat or plane. The tourists want to be preserved. Build bars, discos, golf courses, supermarkets and many other buildings that are popular with tourists and will make you rich as the owner.Manage your finances, buildings and consultants Borrow money or pay off your debts. Go out and advertise, or take out insurance. Check if your buildings are doing well and you can raise the rent. Hire consultants to protect you from sabotage, for example. Or would you rather unlock more sabotage? That is entirely up to you.Survive natural disasters and defeat your enemiesUnfortunately there are also natural disasters that can destroy your buildings. Whether tornado, earthquake or meteorite, everything is possible.In quiet times the competition comes from your enemy and expands over your land. Maybe there are some sabotage possibilities!Create your own map and campaign In the Map Editor you can not only create your perfect map. You can also fill it with events. Which buildings should be unlocked under which conditions. A match where you cannot build roads or there is no minimap? You want natural disasters to occur under certain conditions at a certain place? Try it out!

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