Trophy Hunter 2003

Trophy Hunter

327 Vote(s)
  • Category:


  • Works under:

    Windows 98

  • Program available in:In English

While the appearance of Trophy Hunter seems like it's an older game, it's one that is ideal for those who like to hunt.

When you start playing the game, you are riding a horse to an open space. There are a few mountains around you, making it hard to see what you're trying to do at times. As you play the game, a GPS helps you get around the summit. A bear appears from the trees as you try to discover what to eat and how to make weapons. However, that's why you're in the area. Your goal is to get the biggest trophy possible.

You can hunt everything from elk to a variety of bears in North America. This game features a few details that are realistic. The colors aren't what you would find in a game that has a cartoon quality. It's one that looks like it was taken by someone who was in the woods hunting. The sounds of the animals that you find are also realistic from the growls of the bears to the hoof beats of the elk and moose. Customize your character to get the best look to hunt in the woods so that you're camouflaged. There are several weapons that you can use to hunt including a rifle or a crossbow. You'll also hunt for your trophies in various weather conditions, such as rain or snow.


  • Real weather conditions
  • Several animals and weapons


  • Can be a long time before capturing an animal

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