Unreal Tournament 2004 (3334)

Unreal Tournament 2004

178 Vote(s)
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  • Works under:

    Windows 98

  • Program available in:In English

Unreal Tournament 2004 is a PC-based first-person shooter that retains most of the features from the previous years while adding new game modes, weapons, vehicles and maps. The player can choose from 10 different game modes, including Assault, Capture the Flag, and the new Onslaught large-scale battle mode. In Onslaught, 10 to 32 players battle for control of two power cores on a massive outdoor map. Also new in Unreal Tournament 2004 is an assortment of vehicles, from five-man land transports to solo space fighters.

There are four new weapons in Unreal Tournament 2004: the AVRiL guided missile, the mine gun, the grenade launcher, and the laser that can be used to launch an air strike from a nearby bomber. The link gun has been updated and can now repair vehicles. The game contains over 95 maps, 45 of which are new for 2004. Four new teams have been added to the lineup, giving players an additional 32 characters to encounter during gameplay.

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