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● 生死相依、蕩氣迴腸的動人情感亂世分合,身不由己。兄弟情義、生死相託,最後能否守護初衷?情絲深纏、佳人恩重,又是誰能與我攜手白頭?● 爾虞我詐、至死方休的天下逐鹿臥龍、冢虎各出奇謀,文帝、後主野心交鋒!江山多嬌引英雄折腰,試問天下歸屬,最終鹿死誰手?● 唯美人物、值得收藏的視覺饗宴系列作繪師再次操刀,保留原汁原味人設魅力。美術團隊精心繪製,數十張劇情動畫牽動你心!● 即時戰鬥、值得深掘的操作體驗全新即時戰鬥設計,結合暗器、連擊、陣型元素,為瞬息萬變的戰場帶來刺激體驗,創造多層次RPG新型態戰鬥。● 承先啟後、激盪全新的幻三世界歷代主角因緣匯聚,透過冒險改變三國歷史。而玩家將跟隨前代角色足跡,在神州大地上走出嶄新未來!● 宏偉壯闊、嘆為觀止的3D場景3D美術團隊全力打造,精彩生動的往日都城,大氣磅礡的戰爭場景,帶你倒溯千年,感受三國的金戈鐵馬、絕代風華。
Black Myth: Wukong is an action RPG rooted in Chinese mythology
Crime pays more with every challenging heist scenario plus new customizable weapons and character masks
The action-packed fifth main installment in a world-renowned series, complete with single player and multiplayer modes
The classic RPG series goes North where a civil war is interrupted by the appearance of dragons